THE Western Movie Internet Database Westerns site map
Presentation : Westerns, a western film database
- File and list views of the database
Downloading Westerns, the database :
- Downloading Westerns for your Mac, PC, Palmtop or PDA
- Downloading Westerns in a spreadsheet format (.xls)
- Downloading Westerns for your Psion S3
- "Johnny Guitar", a western film from the Westerns database
The Western database on your Mac or your PC :
- Western heroes :
- The Indians and the Western movies
- A tribute to Kirk Douglas
The Western database on your iPhone or iPod Touch :
- A tribute to Anthony Mann and James Stewart within the western genre
- The Silent westerns
- The western genre : there's still a part for the Ladies...
Diffusion of the Western database and copyright :
- A tribute to Robert Ryan in the Western movies
Links and contact :
- John Ford and John Wayne in Western films
- A tribute to the Native Americans in the western genre
- "Shane" and the nostalgia for a vanishing genre...